Water, waves, and ripples
Then you feel the slightest breeze on you cheek, and it continues for some time. Never the less, the water is flat. After a while the wind freshens, and finally you see ripples on the water. As the breeze turns into a blow, the waves become higher and the distance between the waves becomes longer. What's going on here? Is it interesting?
I think it's interesting, or I wouldn't be writing this (also see).
I hope your interest in waves has been wetted, but we need to be a little realistic about what we plan to discuss in this tiny essay. There are so many things about waves that are interesting. For example, there are hundreds of papers just on the process described above, the interaction of wind with water. There are also many layers to understanding waves, but most of them require familiarity with advanced mathematical concepts. Here our goal must thus be modest: the relationship between wavelength and speed for wind driven water waves.
This may seem a little too modest a goal. However, I will try to convince you that, while not the Holy Grail, it is still worth some effort. As in many quests, we will learn some unexpected things in our search.
Four types of forces add to make waves
Wait: If that is all that was going on, the surface of the water will just go up and down to generate waves like the other two red curves in the above diagram. These waves don't move, they just go up and down. Such waves do exist and they are called "standing waves" . Great, but we want waves that move to the right with the wind. How gravity can force water up from the trough of the wave to the resting level will be described later.
F = g d
F: force per unit volume
g: gravitational force per unit mass
d: the density of the water or mass per unit volume
F = T curvature
F: force per unit length at surface
T: surface tension of the water
curvature: the second derivative of the surface; how rapidly the surface bends
F = m a
A change in velocity can mean a change in speed or a change in direction. A simple example of a change in direction is an object moving in a circle, as on the left diagram. The velocity is constantly changing toward the center so a force toward the center is required. Of course this is just the situation when the earth revolves around the sun; the force is the force of gravity between the earth and sun. It also turns out to be the situation when a water wave moves to the left (see below).
Imagine that the water is divided into many imaginary squares (we assume there is no flow in the plane of the diagram) so we can do the book keeping. On the left there are horizontal (H) and vertical (V) flows. In the horizontal direction the flow in on the right, H1, is less than the flow out on the left, H2. The resulting loss of water must be balanced by an increase from vertical flows V1 and V2.
H1 - H2 = V1 - V2
It is this system of pressures that allow the downward force of gravity on the crest of waves to also force the water in the troughs upward, as seen in a previous diagram. The water in the crests is connected to the water in the troughs.
Putting it all together
Actually, in the boat you are going up and down and left to right. This is because the water at each point moves in a circle; the small red arrows show the velocity of the water at each part of the wave cycle. One take home lesson here is that calculation of the velocities is a little complex, and requires some maths.
v2 = [g L / 2 pi] + [2 pi T / d L]
where pi = 3.14159..., g = gravity constant,
L length, T surface tension, d density
I consider the velocity the independent variable, plotted on the horizontal axis, because it is defined by the wind. The wave length is the response of the water to the wind.
I have used a log-log plot only because I want to show a wide range of velocity values. To give the metric impaired a feeling of scale, 1 m is about one yard and 1 m/s is 3600 m/hr or 3.6 km/hr or 2.2 mph.
The straight black line is the response if the surface tension were zero, while the red line is the response for clean water.
First, for clean water there is a minimum velocity for water waves; the bend in the red curve. Thus, as suggested in the very first paragraph of this essay, winds with velocities less than 0.23 m/s can't make waves.
You can also see this from the equation, since for small L the second term becomes large while for large L the first term is large; there is no L where v becomes zero. Since the first term is due to gravity, and the second depends on surface tension, another way to state this is: long waves move fast using gravity while short waves move fast using surface tension. This is a specific example of a very important principle: the forces that are important depend on the size scale of interest.
Secondly, for any wind that can make waves, there will be two wavelengths. However, at velocities above 1m/s the wave lengths of the small waves become quite small (less than 1 mm).